By David Hoskin | 2024-09-13
The Wizard
On 09/05/2024 10:00 pm by Andrea Iorio| Marino, Rome, Italy
The Wizard Nebula is a collection of interstellar gas surrounding the open star cluster, NGC 7380. It lies approximately 7200 light-years away from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 7.2 in the constellation Cepheus. While impossible to observe this deep sky object visually from my backyard, it is well within reach of my current astrophotography equipment.
In total it is 12 hours on the Wizard nebula, processed in a color palette that chromatically recalls the Hubble palette.
From my sky it would have required perhaps another ten hours, but for this year I am satisfied with the improvement.
See you next year dear Wizard!
ZWO ASI533MC Pro (gain 101, offset 40, -10°C)
ZWO OAG & ASI 120MM for guiding
Tecnosky GSO RC6" @ f6 (+ 0,67X reducer)
Skywatcher 130PDS f5
Skywatcher EQM-35 Pro
Svbony SV220 dualband 7nm filter
Optolong L-eNhance filter
Pixinisight, GraXpert and Photoshop