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Community photo entitled  by James Figge on 08/22/2020 at Vicuña, Chile, and Delmar, NY, US

On 08/22/2020 08:26 pm by James Figge| Vicuña, Chile, and Delmar, NY, US

High resolution image of the Milky Way in the vicinity of the galactic center using optic wavelengths. The galactic center is approximately 26,000 light-years from our solar system. Clouds of dust block transmission of visible light from the region of the galactic center. More detailed images of the galactic center have been obtained at higher and lower wavelengths such as infrared and x-ray, as the dust lanes are more transparent at these wavelengths. A supermassive black hole (Sgr A*) is thought to exist at the galactic center. M6 (Messier 6), also called the Butterfly Cluster, is an open star cluster in the vicinity of the stinger in the Scorpius constellation. M6 is about 1,600 light-years from our solar system. The green line shows the Galactic Equator. For orientation, the “Teapot” asterism is just to the left (East) of this image.

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 6 inch robotic telescope in Vicuña, Chili. 60 second exposure. No filters used. High resolution image. Telescope controlled over the WWW from Delmar, NY.

FITS image file processed using JS9/4L software. Lines and labels added.