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Community photo entitled Spider Nebula (left), Tadpole Nebula (right) by Andy Dungan on 11/30/2024 at Near Cotopaxi, Colorado USA

Spider Nebula (left), Tadpole Nebula (right)

On 11/30/2024 01:00 am by Andy Dungan| Near Cotopaxi, Colorado USA

Spider and Tadpole sit just below Flaming Star Neb (pic taken yesterday)
both both in Auriga
look closely and you will see tadpoles swimming to middle on left side of tadpole

After taking a pic of Flaming Star Yesterday I looked at these two objects just below it and said let's to those next. Space is so interesting!

ASI2600MS Pro gain 100, Askar V@600f7.5, 59 10 min exposures +flats/darks
AM5/ASIair+, Askar OAG with ASI174mini for guiding

Affinity Photo 2 to process/stack, Starnet2 to separate stars