By Aurelian Neacsu | 2024-11-02
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Golden crescent moon with Mercury
On 11/03/2024 08:39 pm by Tom Tan| Melbourne, Australia
A Golden (Waxing) Crescent Moon with Mercury.
Mercury is usually very low and only appears briefly after sunset.
It is a most illusive target in a suburban area full of trees in all directions.
I had intended to shoot the moon with Venus two days later.
But when I saw the crescent moon I took a shot.
There was no tracking.
Only during post processing that I realized the white dot to its right was not a star but Mercury, about three widths of the moon away.
Mercury was actually below the moon but my lens was not level.
Nikon D750. Nikon 80-200mm at 200mm
f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/8 second
JPG cropped and compressed in png.