By Hassan Dadashi . Arani | 2024-09-18
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Solar Sail Cruises Over Texas
On 09/19/2024 10:02 pm by Charlie Favret| Round Rock, Texas, USA
After a few cloudy night attempts, I finally get a view of NASA's experimental ACS3 Solar Sail cruising by as it is pushed along by light of our Sun. While only 33' square and about 600 miles away, it shines gently on a clear night. During the 7 minute journey overhead, I could not stop thinking about the early explorers trusting their adventures to nothing but the wind to propel their sailing ships across uncharted oceans.
Olympus OM-1 camera and 17mm f/1.2 lens set at f/1.2, 4 seconds and ISO 400 in Live Composite Mode, resulting in 108 exposures composited in-camera during the 7 minute exposure duration.
Minor contrast adjustment in Lightroom