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Community photo entitled Super Moon Rises Behind Watchpost by Rui Santos on 08/19/2024 at Leiria, Portugal

Super Moon Rises Behind Watchpost

On 08/19/2024 09:01 pm by Rui Santos| Leiria, Portugal

Ful moon night and decided to do a timelapse but after that, i thought the best way to immortalize this night was to include the 4 best moments of the moon's rise trajectory in frame,

Sony A6000
Soligor 75-300mm
Md Minolta Adapter
X3 Tele Converter

Used a frame from blue light where the moon was rising and when there was still some light illuminating the foreground, then blended the other 3 phases into the previous.

Lightroom, Photoshop, Luminar and NoiseXterminator.