By Tina Chappell | 2024-06-19
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Sunspot groups
On 06/20/2024 10:00 am by David Hoskin| Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Filtered white light image of the Sun showing 3 large and active sunspot groups (top to bottom - AR3716, AR3713, AR3712). All 3 have the potential to unleash solar flares; M-class for AR3716 and AR3713, X-class for AR3712.
Celestron OmniXLT150 Newtonian telescope, Baader film solar filter, ZWO ASI533MC Pro camera, SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro mount.
SER video was captured using SharpCap Pro and the best 100 of 2000 frames were stacked with AutoStakkert. Additional post-processing with Registax and Photoshop, including addition of false color.