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Community photo entitled Feed the Flame by Rui Santos on 06/11/2024 at Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal

Feed the Flame

On 06/11/2024 12:00 pm by Rui Santos| Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal

As an amateur astronomer and avid photographer, I recently embarked on a long-anticipated journey to the serene countryside of Portugal, right next to the Spanish border. This region, particularly around Vila Velha de Ródão, is renowned for its crystal-clear skies, making it a haven for stargazers and astrophotographers alike.

During my visit, I immersed myself in the enchanting landscapes, which feature expansive fields dotted with olive and oak trees. This scenery has always held a certain mystique for me, and capturing it during this time of year, when the golden tones of the earth are most pronounced, perfectly aligned with my photographic vision.

My most recent image of the Milky Way, taken during this trip, stands out as my longest and finest capture to date. Using a Sony A6000 camera paired with a Minitrack LX3 and a 23mm lens, I tracked the Milky Way for approximately 40 minutes. The result was a breathtaking photograph showcasing the dark nebula, making the wait and effort entirely worthwhile.

The final image is a composite of multiple exposures, meticulously stacked and blended to highlight the intricate details of the Milky Way. The process involved capturing the foreground separately to maintain sharpness and depth, while the sky exposures were tracked to avoid star trails and bring out the faint structures of the nebulae.

Camera: Sony A6000
Tracker: Minitrack LX3
Lenses: Samyang 12mm F2 and Viltrox 23mm F1.4

Category: Tracked / Stacked / Blend
Foreground: 14 exposures, 20 seconds each, ISO 6400, F2.8, 12mm
Sky: 121 exposures, 20 seconds each, ISO 5000, F3.5, 23mm
Date of Capture: June 11, 2024
Processed with Sequator, Photoshop, Lightroom, Luminar and Noisexterminator