By Adeel Shafiq | 2024-06-16
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On 06/15/2024 09:30 am by Jeremy Likness| Newport, OR, USA
This sequence of frames shows the moment I caught a solar flare on my camera as I was imaging a large sunspot outbreak near a long, treelike prominence. I wanted to animate the surface and started recording blocks of images every 1 from 9 until 10 in the morning. When I retrieved my data, I was stunned to see the event I'd captured. I probably looked at that a million times not knowing what it was.
You can see the full event - 60 minutes compressed to 15 seconds - at
Coronado PST 40mm single-stacked
ZWO 8x 1.25" filter wheel
AM5 mount
AstroSurface and PixInsight