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Community photo entitled Veil nebula by Mohamed Alaa on 06/07/2024 at Iraq alkut

Veil nebula

On 06/07/2024 12:00 am by Mohamed Alaa| Iraq alkut

The veil nebula (Veil nebula) is the visible part of the chicken arch that consists of an emission nebula and a reflection nebula, located about 1500 light-years from us in the constellation of the chicken. This gathering is the remains of a supernova, which exploded about 18,000 years ago.

‏sky-watcher newton quattro 150p
‏With coma 518mm f3.5
‏ZWO asi294mc
‏‎‏ zwo asi120mc
Filter: l-ultimate

Total light: 37frame
Total : 3hours 5mn
‏‎‏coold camera : -0
‏‎‏gain: 140