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Community photo entitled Starless Eagle Nebula - Messier 16 by Mohammed Abdallah on 06/05/2024 at Suez, Egypt

Starless Eagle Nebula - Messier 16

On 06/05/2024 by Mohammed Abdallah| Suez, Egypt

I've shot the Eagle Nebula many times before but I've never been able to get the details of the pillars until now. This is my best edition with the full pillars visible after many trials over the course of 2 months.

After more than 1000 shots and a huge 520 gb siril temp folder, and discarding about half of these to get the best quality. This is the result

It was quite tricky from Bortle 8 and with only 300mm lens, but I'm happy about it

Bortle 8, Suez, Egypt

Nikon D3500
Skywatcher SA mini
Optolong L enhance
Nikkor 70-300 at 300mm F6.3
iso 6400 1048x30s
Flats, Darks, Biases

Siril, Starnet++V2, Adobe Ps