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Community photo entitled 22 degrees sun halo plus contrail shadow, at the same time by GUILLERMO SANTAMARIA CABALLERO on 04/25/2024 at Madrid, Spain

22 degrees sun halo plus contrail shadow, at the same time

On 04/25/2024 08:52 am by GUILLERMO SANTAMARIA CABALLERO| Madrid, Spain


It is not the first time I got a 22º halo at this precise location, while walking to work on the morning, but this time I got one more curiosity for free. Can you see the condensation trail crossing diagonally the sun halo (left side)? Well, when I turned round and looked that way back, I saw that contrail... plus something strange to me (right side). A thin black line in the sky, exactly on the same path of the contrail... but extending the path beyond the plane itself! I was not sure, but later I googled it and understood it was the shadow of the contrail and the plane. I couldn't helped imagining the plane pilot being precisely dazzled by the sun glare on the centre of the rearview mirror (in case planes have rearview mirrors...).

Two rarities for the luck of one!

If you want the original photos or a video or something else, please, ask.

Thanks for the fun!

Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE

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