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Community photo entitled The Whirlpool Galaxy by Andrea Iorio on 05/11/2024 at Marino, Rome, Italy

The Whirlpool Galaxy

On 05/11/2024 10:00 pm by Andrea Iorio| Marino, Rome, Italy

The Whirlpool Galaxy, also known as M51a, and NGC 5194, is an interacting grand-design spiral galaxy with a Seyfert 2 active galactic nucleus. It lies in the constellation Canes Venatici, and was the first galaxy to be classified as a spiral galaxy. Its distance is estimated to be 31 million light-years away from Earth.
The graceful, winding arms of the majestic spiral galaxy M51 appear like a grand spiral staircase sweeping through space. They are actually long lanes of stars and gas laced with dust. Such striking arms are a hallmark of so-called grand-design spiral galaxies. In M51, also known as the Whirlpool galaxy, these arms serve an important purpose: they are star-formation factories, compressing hydrogen gas and creating clusters of new stars.
Some astronomers think that the Whirlpool’s arms are particularly prominent because of the effects of a close encounter with NGC 5195, or M51b, the small, yellowish galaxy at the outermost tip of one of the arms. The compact galaxy appears to be tugging on the arm, the tidal forces from which trigger new star formation.

ZWO ASI533MC Pro (gain 101, offset 40, -10°C)
ZWO OAG & ASI 120MM for guiding
Tecnosky GSO RC6" f9
Skywatcher EQM-35 Pro
Optolong L-Pro filter

Pixinsight and Photoshop