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Community photo entitled  by Jelieta Walinski Ph.D on 05/31/2024 at St. David, Arizona, USA

On 05/31/2024 by Jelieta Walinski Ph.D| St. David, Arizona, USA

Gazing up at the midnight sky, mesmerized by the ethereal beauty that lies above, we find solace in the celestial embrace of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. Oh, what a sight it is, a cosmic masterpiece painted upon the darkness. It is a treasure trove of wonders, twinkling stars and mystical nebulae, whispering tales of ancient secrets.

But are we truly taking care of our celestial sanctuary? As we go about our lives, we unknowingly bathe the night in artificial luminescence, obscuring the celestial wonders from our view. Oh, what a pity it is, for we are depriving ourselves of the very essence of our existence!

Let us then rekindle our love for the Milky Way, our humble abode in the vastness of the universe. Embrace the darkness, for only then can we truly appreciate the luminescence above. Dim the lights, shield the glow, and restore the night sky to its awe-inspiring glory. In doing so, we reclaim our birthright and forge a deeper connection with the cosmos.

Our beloved Milky Way beckons, like a cosmic lullaby, inviting us to return home. Let us cherish this gift, for it is our ethereal sanctuary. May we preserve its beauty, not just for ourselves but for generations yet to come. Together, let us create a haven where the stars can shine bright, illuminating our hearts and replenishing our souls.

Canon 5Ds, canon lens 15-35mm, mafrotto tripod

I just sharpen and crop a little.