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Community photo entitled Active Region AR3664 by Michael Teoh on 05/12/2024 at Heng Ee Observatory, Penang, Malaysia

Active Region AR3664

On 05/12/2024 10:45 am by Michael Teoh| Heng Ee Observatory, Penang, Malaysia

The active region AR3664 is one of the largest sunspot groups in recent years. It is also very active, given off multiple X-class solar flares over the past week. The sunspot group had continued to grow since it first emerged, and had showed complex structures. This image was taken one day before it turned over the limb, going to the far side of the Sun.

APM-TMB 228/2050 Telescope
Lunt Solar Wedge
Baader ND filter OD 3.0
Baader Solar Continuum 540nm
GSO 2x Barlow
QHY5III678M Camera

Stacked with AutoStakkkert!4
Wavelet adjustment with Registax 6
Enhancement, mosaic and false color with Photoshop 2020