By Elizabeth Cooper | 2024-05-10
Massive Sunspots AR3668 and 3664
On 05/07/2024 12:24 pm by Hamza Ilyas| London, United Kingdom
Sunspots AR3668 and AR3664 - amazing beautiful magnetically active regions of our nearest star. Often accompanied by proms, solar flares, coronal mass ejections and this week, even aurora! They are easily identified by their obvious dark appearance on an otherwise bright solar surface. Strangely enough, this pair of sun spots seem to have taken a different appearance: some see a worm, others a baby chick, stretching it's neck to peer above the sea of hydrogen gas. What do you see?
Imaging Telescope: TS-Optics CF-APO 130mm f/7
Camera: ZWO ASI432MM
Mounts: iOptron CEM70
Filters: Altair Hydrogen Alpha D-ERF (152mm aperture) · DayStar Quark (Chromosphere model)
AstroSharp Ltd SharpCap · Emil Kraaikamp AutoStakkert! · Filip Szczerek ImPPG (Image Post-Processor) · Pleiades Astrophoto PixInsight