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Community photo entitled  by Jordi Coy on 04/24/2024 at Antequera, Málaga, Spain

On 04/24/2024 07:24 am by Jordi Coy| Antequera, Málaga, Spain

To get this photo I had to wait 6 years, that's when I thought about taking it. It is a mountain that from one of its sides, its shape adopts the profile face of a person, something that I find incredible. The planning to take the photo is what has been most difficult for me, because the area where I had to position myself so that the moon coincided with "the lips" was a mountainous area full of vegetation and olive plantations and it always prevented me from seeing and when I had a free window, the clouds prevented me from doing so. I am very happy that today, just a few hours ago, I was able to get what has been so far my most sought after and awaited photo. In the shape of the mountain, we can intuit the lips, the hair, the eye... I believe that nature is the greatest artist, patience of thousands and millions of years to create its art. By the way, the mountain is called Peña de los enamorados" Could it be because of the Moon? :)

Canon 5D MKIV, 150-600mm Sigma lens, Vanguard tripod. Exif: 250mm focal, 400 ISO, 1/100 seconds, f/5.6

Contrast adjustments, highlights, shadows, and image flip 90 degrees vertically