By Nilesh Korde | 2024-04-08
On 04/08/2024 09:54 am by Kamala Venkatesh| Concordia, Sinaloa, Mexico
A collage of several images depicting the start of the eclipse and going through Contact 1 and 2 before it went into totality. Totality lasted 4 minutes and 25 seconds in the dead center of the path of totality in Mexico(I traveled to Mazatlan and then drove to Concordia, a small town). The center image is full eclipse where the moon totally covered the sun with the bright corona. The two images below represent the 'diamond ring', one at the start of totality and the other at the end of totality. The images after totality represent the Contact 3 and 4 ending in the moon completely moving away from the sun.
Nikon d750; Sigma 100-400mm/f5.3-6 , Thousand Oaks Optical Solar Filter(for partial eclipse), Manfrotto tripod, Nikon remote shutter release
Processed in Lightroom and collage created in Lightroom as well