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Community photo entitled  by Nathan Eaton Jr on 04/08/2024 at Ellis County, Texas, USA

On 04/08/2024 01:45 pm by Nathan Eaton Jr| Ellis County, Texas, USA

After a week of pessimistic weather forecasts and an overcast morning, we had a decent first partial phase with occasional clouds spoiling the show but by the time totality arrived we had a pretty clear view and totality was absolutely spectacular! Seeing the Sun's corona was awesome but the surprise was being able to see some of the HUGE solar prominences with the unaided eye, clearly visible in this Diamond Ring effect image.

Skywatcher Evostar 72ED with 0.85 focal reducer/flattener
Nikon D750
Baader solar film filter
DeepSkyDad AF3 autofocuser
SkyWatcher Star Adventurer GTi mount
Radian carbon fiber tripod
2012 MacBook Pro (Mojave OS) running Solar Eclipse Maestro image capture automation script

Limited post-processing in Adobe Lightroom Classic for exposure adjustment, noise reduction and cropping