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Community photo entitled  by SAMIT SAHA on 03/20/2024 at Kotli, Himachal Pradesh, India

On 03/20/2024 04:50 am by SAMIT SAHA| Kotli, Himachal Pradesh, India

Way and Milky Way –

"The stars are scattered all over the sky like shimmering grains of rice on a shimmering canvas of blue silk. The moon floats like a white lotus on the turbid waters of the sky, releasing its fragrance of dreams. The earth is a great city of sounds and silences. In the vast ocean of the sky, I am a tiny boat, adrift, waiting for the winds of destiny to carry me to distant shores."
Fireflies — Rabindranath Tagore
At the brink of winter's limit, at the dawn of spring's inception, in the pristine sky of the final night, we find ourselves at the end of our alleyway, staring at the beginning of our Milky Way. Unable to resist the temptation of witnessing the sight at the end of our Milky Way, we leave our comfort, wrestle the blanket of ease, and ascend to the roof in awe. Each time I see, I am overwhelmed with wonder; this is our address, where I reside and where this universe exists. The boundary of our planet guides that path to where it ends and there, precisely there, begins our Milky Way. The aggregation of countless stars, the cosmic dust, and the ineffable pictures painted by the galaxies make our eyes meaningful; in this yearning lies the embodiment of images.

Instrument – Nikon D5600 + Nikon 35mm f/1.8 @3.2, SGP, Benro Tripod.

Sky - 120s X 25, ISO 1600 (No Calibration Frame)
Foreground – 8S X 3 , ISO 400, f/10 (Blue Hour)
Process - Tracked, Stacked, Blended
Software – DSS, Pixinsight, Adobe Camera Raw & PS