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Community photo entitled  by William Mathe on 03/16/2024 at Last Chance, Colorado, USA

On 03/16/2024 04:00 am by William Mathe| Last Chance, Colorado, USA

This old old ranch house sits in dark sky on the eastern prairie of Colorado just outside of Last Chance, Colorado...the ranch house is a bit of a fixer-upper but it has spectacular views of the center/core of our little Milky Way galaxy...which, if you use your imagination a bit, you should see the horse nebula (the horse is sideways/up n down) in the middle right with its legs pointing towards the right and the lower legs are pointing directly at a nice little green meteor that just happened to photobomb this particular frame...

I took a very similar image last February but didnt really like it as the stars had too much streaking/movement in them and this angle of the Milky Way rising over the horizon and the ranch can only be taken in late February thru March so Friday night/actually around 130am Saturday, I made the 100 mile drive out to dark sky and started shooting at 345...this image taken approx 4am...then the long long drive back just before sunrise...and the migraine that always follows.

Also of note...this is a SINGLE frame/no compositing...I ran the tracker at 1/2 speed so as to minimize any foreground motion blur while reducing the star trails by half. This is a 20sec exposure at f/1.4 and ISO 3200

Canon Ra
Sigma 28mm f/1.4 Art lens
Sky Watcher tracker - running at 1/2 speed
Manfrotto tripod

All post processing done in Adobe Camera RAW and very minor edits in Adobe Photoshop to remove the light streak from a commercial aircraft
Improved contrast between brights/darks
Originally shot at K4200 and adjusted to K4000
Original light painting done with hiking headlamp with a daylight Kvalue so some color adjustment done to foreground and structure