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Community photo entitled  by Michael Teoh on 02/24/2024 at Heng Ee Observatory, Penang, Malaysia

On 02/24/2024 11:55 am by Michael Teoh| Heng Ee Observatory, Penang, Malaysia

The large active region AR3590 first emerged on February 19, 2024. As it turned towards the Earth, the active region showed great activity, releasing three X-class solar flares within a period of 24 hours between 21st and 22nd February. Despite not growing much in size and not showing much activity on the photosphere as seen in visible light, sunspot groups of such size are still relatively rare. On 24th February, the main group of sunspots in the region spanned about 8 Earth diameters, while the whole active region spanned about 14 Earth diameters. Thanks to the good imaging condition, I was able to capture some images of the sunspot group.

APM-TMB 228/2050 Telescope
Lunt Solar Wedge
Baader ND filter OD 3.0
Baader Solar Continuum 540nm
2x Barlow
QHY5III678M Camera

Stacked with AutoStakkkert!4
Wavelet adjustment with Registax 6
Enhancement, mosaic and false color with Photoshop 2020