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Community photo entitled  by Cecille Kennedy on 02/15/2024 at Depoe Bay, Oregon

On 02/15/2024 12:05 pm by Cecille Kennedy| Depoe Bay, Oregon

This graceful western grebe was busy swimming and diving for food on a sprinkly day. It looked attractive even from afar with its long, white neck capped in black and long, sharp bill. Looking closer it has bright red eyes. I walked on the dock for a closer view and waited patiently to have a shot when it comes up from diving.
Western grebes rarely go on land due to their oblong bodies and rear-positioned feet.
Although the reason I went to the bay is to see the river otters (they never showed up), it was great to see the grebe.

Nikon P1000

crop in Photoshop, enhance in Franzis 8 Pro