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Community photo entitled  by Lynzie Flynn on 01/28/2024 at Huntington Beach, California, U.S.

On 01/28/2024 10:14 am by Lynzie Flynn| Huntington Beach, California, U.S.

This is a pair of mated Great Blue Herons in breeding plumage. During breeding time feathers on the head and neck become longer and more delicate and their lores turn blue. Herons build their nests with various sized twigs and line the interior with moss, leaves, grass, and other softer materials. If the nests stay intact they will reuse their nesting grounds for years & maintain them throughout the breeding season. They are colonial nesters and some of the larger colonies can have hundreds of nests. They flock together close to feeding grounds and usually return to the same location every year.

OM-1, M. Zuiko 150-400mm lens

Adobe Lightroom