By Hassan Dadashi . Arani | 2024-01-29
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On 01/30/2024 07:00 pm by Andrea Iorio| Marino, Rome, Italy
The Orion Nebula, also known as Messier 42 (or M42 for short), is the nearest star-forming region to Earth, located approximately 1,350 light-years away and is about 2 million years old. M42 is part of a larger stellar network — the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex (also known as the Orion Complex), one of the most active star-forming regions visible in the sky.
ASI 533MC Pro
ZWO OAG & ASI 120MM for guiding
Skywatcher 130PDS f5 with 1X coma corrector
Skywatcher EQM-35 Pro
Total acquisition 3 hours:
Optolong L-eNhance filter: 87 light frames x 120 sec
Pixinsight, Photoshop