By ANSHUMAN SAIKIA | 2023-12-12
On 12/10/2023 06:45 pm by Kamala Venkatesh| La Jolla, California, USA
November sunsets along the coast of California provide colorful skies. Shot on a day of low tide at Hospital Beach, aka “Hospitals,” located along Coast Boulevard in La Jolla. There is a narrow grass strip on the bluff above this point called Coast Boulevard Park. Hospital Point is a rocky bluff with small pockets of sand and not your typical sandy beach like La Jolla Shores. At Hospital Beach during low tides you’ll find more sand and some excellent tide pools that get exposed. Lots of barnacles, sea stars, and other marine creatures are seen in the pockets.
Nikon D650; Tamron 24-70/f2.8; Manfratto tripod; Nikon remote shutter release
Processed in Adobe Lightroom