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Community photo entitled  by David Hoskin on 12/09/2023 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

On 12/09/2023 11:49 am by David Hoskin| Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

This filtered image shows 3 sunspot groups that are rotating out of view, top to bottom AR3510, AR3508, and AR3511. Sunspot group AR3511 has been very active, producing a number of strong M-class solar flares.

Player One Apollo-M Mini camera with Photosphere filter, Antares 3x Barlow, APM Herschel Wedge, Orion f/6 ED80T CF refractor telescope, Celestron NexStar SLT mount

Best 75 frames of SER video were stacked with AutoStakkert, wavelets adjusted with Registax, and false color added with Photoshop.