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Community photo entitled  by Eliot Herman on 11/26/2023 at Atka Bay Antarctic

On 11/26/2023 01:30 pm by Eliot Herman| Atka Bay Antarctic

Captured at Atka Bay in Antarctic. There have been reports of the Emperor Penguins having issues of a lack of next generation chicks but at Atka Bay the colony appears healthy. Visitors have to be very careful not to introduce bird flu and precautions are taken. The Emperor Penguins, about 28,000 of them lay eggs and hatch chicks who on the day of my visit had grown about two thirds of the size of the adults and will molt to swimming feathers in 2-3 weeks and leave with the adults for the sea. The chicks are very active and are in groups that seemed analogous to a day care center under supervision of the adults. They act as a toddler in their "onesies" running from the adults and being chased back to the group, some adults being "helicopter parents". They are very curious and will try to get the attention and move to humans. It is special to have the opportunity to visit the penguins.

Nikon Z7II and 100-400 mm lens
