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Community photo entitled  by Andy Dungan on 11/11/2023 at Near Cotopaxi, CO USA

On 11/11/2023 10:00 pm by Andy Dungan| Near Cotopaxi, CO USA

Someone in the last couple of weeks posted a pic of the California nebula and Pleiades at 55mm. I have been working on a pic of the California Nebula at 600mm for a good 10 days now and seem to have finally gotten a decent photo. It is always a joy for me to see what I can get with standard camera gear.

If you look at the shape of the State of California it really does look a lot like this nebula.

Canon R full spectrum Sigma 150-600C@600mm 90sec f6.3 iso12800 82 shots, total exposure time 2 hours 3 minutes
Star adventurer 2i for tracking

Affinity Photo 2 for stacking/processing, Starnet2 to separate stars