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Community photo entitled  by Abhijit Patil on 09/15/2023 at Pinnacles National Park, California, USA

On 09/15/2023 11:00 pm by Abhijit Patil| Pinnacles National Park, California, USA

Constellation Cygnus shot at 50mm. One of the Hydrogen Alpha rich areas of the sky. Numerous small and large nebulas lie in this region of the Swan including the North American nebula and the Cygnus loop consisting of the Veil nebula complex and Pickering triangle.

Exif -
180sec, ISO800, f/2.5, 50mm
Frames -
120X180sec Lights = 6 hours RGB
20x180sec Darks
Flat and dark flats - 40x4sec

Nikon Z6ii Astromodified, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 lens
Skywatcher StarAdventurer GTi mount

Stacked and extracted color information in Processed in Astropixel processor
Detail extraction in Pixinsight and final processing in Photoshop