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Community photo entitled  by Eliot Herman on 10/14/2023 at Albuquerque New Mexico

On 10/14/2023 10:40 am by Eliot Herman| Albuquerque New Mexico

Annular eclipses produce amazing crescents due to the apparent diameter of the Moon compared to the Sun, at this stage it is a giant black drop. Questar telescopes have been used by eclipse chasers for decades and have a historic relationship with eclipse photography. These scopes still have optics that are unsurpassed, and matched to a current generation camera it is an optimum travel package. To use one for this purpose feels like it links to eclipses of the past. It was a great day and view to use one of the telescopes most identified with eclipse chasing across globe.

Questar telescope and Solar filter, IR cut filter, Nikon Z7II
