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Community photo entitled  by Andy Dungan on 10/10/2023 at Near Cotopaxi, CO USA

On 10/10/2023 05:33 am by Andy Dungan| Near Cotopaxi, CO USA

So I was out for a walk very early and as I walked around the side of a mountain there was the Moon and Venus side by side. So, when I got home I took this pic. They were close enough that I took this pic zoomed into 388mm. Honestly it was much more spectacular with the eye as the brightness of the moon did not overpower Venus as it did in this pic. If you don't have mountains in the way you ought to be able to see a similar view tomorrow morning. So, take a peak out of the window to the east if it is still dark tomorrow morning. It is cool to see them so close together. There are some things the eye does better.

Canon R Sigma 150-600C @ 388mm 1/2.5 sec f6.3 iso3200 single shot

Affinity Photo 2 for some slight adjustments