By Cecille Kennedy | 2023-10-08
On 10/08/2023 08:30 pm by Martin Curran| Cheyenne, WY
NGC6946 (The Fireworks Galaxy) and open cluster NGC6939 in Cepheus. 6946 is a beautiful face on spiral galaxy. it's 20,000 light years across and is 22.5 million light years from Earth. It's pretty dim for it's size as it is highly obscured by interstellar matter due to it's proximity to the Milky Way.
It took 80+ 3 minute shots to get this level of detail and even then, I could use about 3 times the focal length (and 3 times the data) to really do it justice but this wide field view is fun as well.
William Optics FLT91
ASI 2600MC Pro
Skywatcher EQ6-Ri Pro
William Optics 50mm guide scope
ASI 462MM guide camera
- SPCC, SCNR, DBE, StarXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator and GHS for Galaxy, Arcsign Stretch for stars
- Camera Raw Filter, Screen blend stars back on to Galaxy