By Jim Militello | 2023-09-23
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On 09/24/2023 12:44 am by Rui Santos| São Pedro de Moel, Marinha Grande - Portugal
🌔 Autumnal Equinox
"Last night I wanted to say farewell to the milky way core with a different mood. Had the impromptu idea of framing the setting moon (60% illuminated) along with the galaxy decaying to the right to fill in a void in my portfolio with this not so usual position.
This photo was taken on the exact day that we transition from astronomical summer to astronomical autumn, the day that the night and day had the same duration of time."
Sony A6000 w/ Samyang 12mm F2
Single tracked shot 66 seconds 2000 ISO F4
Lightroom, Photoshop and Luminar