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Community photo entitled  by Irwin Seidman on 08/12/2023 at Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada

On 08/12/2023 11:55 pm by Irwin Seidman| Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada

Located roughly 2,400 light years away in the constellation Cygnus, the Cygnus Loop (or Veil Nebula Complex) is a cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust. The colourful appearance in this supernova remnant is generated by variations in the temperatures and densities of the chemical elements present.

• Main camera: ZWO ASI2600MC
• Main telescope: William Optics Zenithstar 61
• Guide camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini
• Guide telescope: William Optics UniGuide 32mm
• Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro
• Acquisition & Control: ZWO ASIair Plus

2 hours, 33 minutes integrated exposure processed using Pixinsight