By Lorraine Boyd | 2023-08-11
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On 08/12/2023 02:03 am by Kathie O'Donnell| Badlands National Park
Camped outside of the Badlands for two nights to see the meteor shower. In the times I watched facing the area of the radiant I saw very few meteors. The night of the peak was a wash due to some pretty active storm cells. Back at home the morning of 8-14 I observed from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. and saw about 10. The image captured the Badlands, rising moon, milky way, Pleiades and of course a meteor. It would be interesting to get some feedback on what others felt about the quantity of Perseid meteors seen this year.
Nikon Z6ii, 15 sec exposure, 6400 IS0