By Cecille Kennedy | 2023-08-01
On 08/01/2023 10:45 pm by Bill Hood| Gardena, Calif
For processing, I used Photoshop with a heavy hand on the Clarity slider to create the contrast seen in the image. I combined 5 consecutive images (top 4 layers set to 20% opacity) to smooth out the random pixel noise caused by the Clarity slider.
I used a tripod-mounted Nikon D750 camera with a Nikon 200-500 mm lens and 1,4x teleconverter for a final focal length of 700 mm. ISO 200 f/8 1/500 sec. To minimize vibrations, I also used a wireless shutter release and the "mirror up" function of the camera.
For processing, I used Photoshop with a heavy hand on the Clarity slider to create the contrast seen in the image. I combined 5 consecutive images (top 4 layers set to 20% opacity) to smooth out the random pixel noise caused by the Clarity slider.