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Community photo entitled  by Osama Fathi on 11/24/2022 at South of Aswan

On 11/24/2022 04:30 am by Osama Fathi| South of Aswan

Carina nebula over the Nile River and the ancient Egyptian Complex
Carina nebula over the Nile River and the ancient Egyptian Complex

I travelled more than 1300 kilometres (km) from Cairo to this position in the most southern portion of Egypt (South of Aswan), at latitude 22.7 N.To shoot this image at the Bortle 1 location.

The Temple of Amada, the oldest Egyptian temple in Nubia, was first constructed by Pharaoh Thutmose III (Reign 1479 – 1425 BC). the temple of Derr, and the tomb of Pennut

Nikon Z6 (Mod), Skywacher star adventurer tracker , Samyang 135 mm, NBX filter
Settings :
Sky (Tracked and stacke ): 21 photos( 180 sec. ISO 1250, ISO 4000, f3.5
foreground :2photos ( 30sec, ISO 2000 , f3.5)

Softwares: DSS, Adobe Photoshop 2022, Pixinsight , Astrotools, Topaz DN