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Community photo entitled  by David Hoskin on 03/20/2023 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

On 03/20/2023 11:38 am by David Hoskin| Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

This white light image, captured this morning, shows sunspot groups AR3259 (top left), AR3256 (to the right of AR3259), and AR3257 (bottom left). According to spaceweather.com, sunspot complex AR3256-57 poses a risk for medium-large solar flares (known as M class) that could trigger aurora.

Celestron 102mm f/10 refractor, APM Herschel wedge, Player One Apollo-M Mini camera, GSO 2.5x Barlow, SkyWatcher EQ6R mount.

Best 1000 out of 4000 frames were stacked with AutoStakkert, wavelets adjusted with Registax, other post-processing and false color added with Photoshop.