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Community photo entitled  by Ray Tolomeo on 03/15/2023 at Bristow, Virginia

On 03/15/2023 08:37 pm by Ray Tolomeo| Bristow, Virginia

Typically I like to go to some darker sky spot to shoot the International Space Station, but it was cold, breezy, and I was lazy. Also knowing it was going to be reflecting lots of light this evening. So, shot from my driveway in Bristow, Virginia, the Sun reflects off of the Station's solar panels as the it rose from behind my neighbors house and passed just past the lower part of the Constellation Orion before exiting the frame near the star, Gomeisa. This is a composite image of 5, 30-second exposures comprising about 2 1/2 minutes of travel.

Sony A77II with Sony SAL 16-50mm lens stabilized on iOptron SkyGuide Pro Camera Mount

5, 30-second RAW images stacked and processed in Photoshop