By Hassan Dadashi . arani | 2023-02-12
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On 02/12/2023 09:00 pm by Stephen James O'Meara| Maun, Botswana
Just wanted readers to know that the Comet 2022 E3 (ZTF) is now a binocular spectacle in Southern Hemisphere skies; we have been sharing in the excitement for about a week. This image shows the comet departing the vicinity of Mars as it heads to open star Cluster NGC 1647 (not shown). The bright star between red Mars (bottom) and the green comet (top) is 4th-magnitude Tau Tauri. Note the comet's gently curved and diaphanous dust tail.
Canon 90D , 200-mm (EFL 320-mm) @ f/3.5 and ISO 12800 guided exposures on iOptron tracker
composite of 7 images and cropped