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Community photo entitled  by Fabrizio Pinto on 02/11/2023 at Urla Iskele (Izmir), Türkiye

On 02/11/2023 11:52 pm by Fabrizio Pinto| Urla Iskele (Izmir), Türkiye

I was fascinated by the anticipated near occultation (about 30 arcsec distance) of star HIP 22187 (RA +71.59454 deg Dec +23.6751 deg - J2000) by comet C/2022 E3 ZFT. The time predicted via Stellarium was 23:52 (Türkiye time, corresponding to frame (d)). At that time, the two objects almost completely merged at the resolving power of my camera. The other frames were at (a) 21:49:18, (b) 22:42:59; (c) 23:31:16; and (e) 00:22:51 (on 2023-02-12). It is always so fascinating to admire the predictive accuracy of celestial mechanics in a world otherwise filled with so much uncertainty about the future.

Canon 500D Rebel with Sigma 70-300 lens (133 mm) F/4.5 6400 ISO; 50 exposures of 1 sec shutter speed on a tripod without tracking. median date/time 'DATE-OBS= '2023-02-11T20:52:13' UTC

Calibration with DeepSkyStacker from 50 dark (1 sec)/bias (1/4000 sec)/flat field (1/2000 sec) frames; approximate center of all frames at star 95 Tau (HR 1499). The DeepSkyStacker Autosave.tif 32 bit RGB file was transformed to 8 bit jpg B&W (mono) via ASTAP. FITS frame astrometric calibration by Astrometry.net. Smaller frames were extracted from the originals and used to create this composition. The last tile is a screenshot of the scene created by Stellarium.