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Community photo entitled  by Jeremy Likness on 01/20/2023 at Monroe, WA, USA

On 01/20/2023 03:00 am by Jeremy Likness| Monroe, WA, USA

I had my first encounter with the green comet everyone is talking about (usually they use the more dramatic, "hasn't been seen in 50,000 years line") at 3am this morning when it was high enough to clear the trees. This is a rather close view of C2/2022 E3 (ZTF) taken at a 1645mm focal length (I'll try a wider field of view at 336mm next). I took around 25 1-minute exposures. The top frame stacks with the comet stationary so the stars are streaks in the background, while the bottom used the stars as a reference so it's the comet smeared across the foreground. I just used a light pollution filter, so what you see is the naturally unnatural green of the comet.

Celestron EdgeHD 9.25" SCT
ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera
CGEM-II mount
N.I.N.A. with orbitals plug-in to track the comet

Stacked in AstroPixel Processor using both "comet" and then "normal" modes.