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Community photo entitled  by Paolo Palma on 11/15/2022 at Naples - Italy

On 11/15/2022 11:00 pm by Paolo Palma| Naples - Italy

Here are the COLORS of the brightest stars visible from Italian latitute.

I took them deliberately SHOCKING the telescope, because, as the italian poet Filippo Zamboni said, in this way the colors of the stars seem to come out of nowhere!

CAPELLA, POLLUX and ARCTURUS appear really yellowed in front of ANTARES, BETELGEUSE and ALDEBARAN's redness; and PROCION and FOMALHAUT are decidedly white if compared to the bluish shades of VEGA, SPICA and RIGEL!

Excluding those INvisible from Italian latitudes, those taken here, are the top 20 brightest stars in the sky. They can represent all the most common spectral classes in existence too.

Dobson 18" Skywatcher - x95 - smartphone Huawei p30 Pro ISO50 - 2s.

The photographic parameters are the same for all shots and they have NOT undergone any posthumous processing.