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Community photo entitled  by Cathy Adams on 11/14/2022 at St. Stephen, NB, Canada

On 11/14/2022 08:50 pm by Cathy Adams| St. Stephen, NB, Canada

The seeing was very poor, but I really wanted to get out and get another image of Mars as it heads towards opposition early December. I am really enjoying seeing the changes in it ... more and more of the sphere is visible. The clouds were moving in fast, but I was able to get one doable capture! Best 10% of just under 25000 frames. Fingers x'd for some clear nights again!!

Celestron C5 spotting scope with Skywatcher AZ_GTE mount and ZXO 224 planetary camera, with Explore Scientific 2X focus extender

SharpCap, Autostakkert, Astrosurface, Photoshop