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Community photo entitled  by Filipp Romanov on 11/08/2022 at Yuzhno-Morskoy, Nakhodka, Russia

On 11/08/2022 09:36 pm by Filipp Romanov| Yuzhno-Morskoy, Nakhodka, Russia

Occultation of Uranus by the Moon during total lunar eclipse on November 8, 2022.

I imaged in Yuzhno-Morskoy, near Nakhodka, from my small homeland. I used my camera Canon EOS 60D (cropped video mode 640x480, ISO-6400, 1/30 sec. exposure time) and a 150/1550 mm telescope (provided by one of the local amateur astronomers).

The first image was taken during the total phase of the eclipse (stacked 332 frames in RegiStax 5.1), the second image was taken during the partial phase of the eclipse (stacked 37 frames). Due to the fact that the phenomenon occurred only for a few seconds, there were not so many frames for stacking, and there were few sharp ones among them.

I was waiting for this phenomenon for about 10 years, and the weather was very clear, and an hour after the end of the eclipse, the sky was covered with clouds. The next occultation of the planet by the Moon during a total lunar eclipse will not occur until 2235 www.lunar-occultations.com/iota/08nov22uranus.pdf

Recording of my live stream: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ouq7YwGRqY