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Community photo entitled  by Cathy Adams on 10/29/2022 at St Stephen, NB, Canada

On 10/29/2022 10:40 pm by Cathy Adams| St Stephen, NB, Canada

The seeing conditions last night were well below average, which does affect image quality, but it was a nice night again to sit out and observe, drink my coffee, and I was able to nab a capture :) Poor seeing is caused by turbulence combined with temperature differences in the atmosphere. Fingers are crossed for some nights of "good seeing" and stable a stable atmosphere :)

Celestron C5 Spotting Scope, Skywatcher AZ-GTE mount, Zwo ASI224 planetary camera with Explore Scientific 2x focus extender

Captured with Sharpcap, Stacked with Autostakkert and wavelets adjusted in AstroSurface. The final touches were done in Photoshop