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Community photo entitled  by Asha Prasad on 10/19/2022 at Minnesota, USA

On 10/19/2022 11:55 am by Asha Prasad| Minnesota, USA

Two Bald Eagles perched on the highest branch.

We had a sunny morning after a long time. I was enjoying some coffee and wondering why it was so silent outside. At this time of the day, there are birds chirping and squirrels running around near the edge of the preserve. I heard that unmistakable shrieking bird call. Lo and Behold, I see a bald eagle gliding towards the tallest tree and landing on the highest branch, maybe 40-50 feet above the ground. Then a second one flies in. They were communicating with each other and looking for something at a distance. I even got a stern glare by one of the birds. They flew away as quickly as they arrived. I got this lucky shot where both of them could be seen clearly.

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