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Community photo entitled  by Asha Prasad on 09/20/2022 at Minnesota, USA

On 09/20/2022 08:00 pm by Asha Prasad| Minnesota, USA

A distant Thunderstorm from a vantage point.

Too many things are happening in the sky. To my left, the sun has set. You can see the highest clouds reflecting sunlight. Above me, the sky is blue and clear as can be. Meanwhile, 25 miles up north, a severe thunderstorm is raging! We couldn't hear the thunder claps but the lightning strobes were getting more and more dramatic.

Later, the storm moved over us and went east of us. I could see Jupiter at an altitude of 40 degrees and lightning strobes at 5 degrees. It was hard to capture it without making the image too grainy.

Google Pixel.
The frame is exported from a video
