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Community photo entitled  by David Hoskin on 09/16/2022 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

On 09/16/2022 01:30 am by David Hoskin| Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

This image of the waning gibbous Moon was captured just after moonrise. The terminator passes through Mare Serenitatis in the north and the lunar highlands in the south. The subtle colors on the Moon are largely due to variations in iron and titanium content. For example, the red color is the result of relatively high iron oxide content in some regions of lunar maria while increased titanium oxide content results in a blue hue.

Orion ED80T-CF with field flattener, ASI533MC Pro camera, SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro mount

The best 200 of 1000 frames of video were stacked with AutoStakkert, wavelets adjusted with Registax, final adjustments with Photoshop and MS Photo.